Any adult property owner or renter, 18 years of age or older, and their family members, who live on Bull Road or any roads branching off from Bull Road, can become a member of the Breton Bay Civic Association.

The remainder of the current year’s membership in the Breton Bay Civic Association may be conveyed to the new residents (owners or renters) if you move away from the Breton Bay community.

No. Membership in the Breton Bay Civic Association is voluntary. The BBCA is an independent entity, not affiliated with any of the Homeowners’ Associations that exist in the various Breton Bay neighborhoods.

Yes. Dog owners are required to clean up after their pet, and take pet waste with them for disposal. Supplies (trash bags, etc.) are NOT provided, and must be brought with anyone visiting BBCA property with their pet.

There are many opportunities to volunteer at various community events held throughout the year. If you are interested in volunteering, please email the Member at Large, or any other member of the Breton Bay Civic Association Executive Board. If you’re interested in serving on the Executive Board, please email the Secretary. If you’re interested in donating, please click here.